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These are  the projects I made in prototype design

Prototype Design Log book

This is the log book i have for Prototype Design to show my daily productivity. At the end of every day I write what I did in class that day. At the end of every week I hand in my Log Book and get graded on it.


This is my buinder that i made. I can use it to clip notes to. Making helped me learn how to use the x-acto knives and cut in straight lines. This project is made with poster board, x-acto knives and a binder clip

Block Letters

for this project I used foam board, an x-acto knife, a ruler and hot glue.

Marble Mover

the first simple machine i used is a inclined plane to move along

marble mover 1

this is my marble mover that i made using poster board x-acto knives, card stock paper, hot glue and tape.

marble mover 2

the objective of this project was to move a marble for 20 seconds without stoping

marble mover 3
marble mover 4
Rubber Band Racer 1

for our second project this marking period we built rubber band powered cars. I made mine with 2 wheels so that the front worked like a sled.

Rubber Band Racer 2

when I was making it I had some difficulties, one of the problems I encountered was when I had to add friction to make it work better. I also stretched out my rubber band too much so I had to figure out how to wrap the rubber band so that it would not ruin the rubberband

Rubber Band Racer 3

My rubber band was connected to the front corner that doesn't have a wheel. if I were to change something I would create more of a structure so that it wouldn't flip over like it did sometimes if I wrapped the rubber band too much.

Rubber Band Racer 4
Rubber Band Racer 5
cat jump out AL

For this Jump out i used the lasso tool and the perspective tool in Photoshop to edit


to edit this photo i cut myself out of a photo and edited the sizing and coloring to make it look more realistic.

"meet and greet"

To edit this photo i had to cut myself out of a photo and adjust the blur to make me look like i was orignally in the picture

Person jump out

For this jump out I used thew lasso tool, the perspective tool and the clone stamp to edit

Starring in

In this picture i cut myself out and resized myself so that it looked more realistic.I also adjusted the coloring and cloned out parts of the origonal photo

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